Local 8 is having elections again.
Nominations are being accepted for ALL BARGAINING UNIT AND LOCAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE positions.
For more information, please speak to your bargaining unit president or visit our website: http://local8.ona.org
Important Dates:
Call for nominations September 1 - September 25
Ticket of Nominees: posted October 5
Election day: October 15
Location and times of voting stations to be announced October 5
Remember, you will need a union card to vote so please see your bargaining unit president of you do not have a hard plastic card that looks like this, chances are your are not signed up with ONA and cannot vote. Signing up is easy - contact your president to find out how!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Time for New Grads to speak up!
Important study being undertaken to gauge preparedness, confidence
levels of newly registered RNs
A research team of Canadian nurse educators is conducting a study to find out how well prepared and confident newly registered nurses are for the realities of the workplace.
The Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale (NCSES) survey is intended for nurses within six months of registration as an RN.
Please click on the following link to take the survey:
It will take about 10 minutes to complete the survey. The survey will ask the participant to rate her or his self-efficacy (confidence) for nursing practice competency.
The survey is constructed using Opinio, a secure online survey software program. All reported data will be in aggregate form and will not include personal identifying features. This study has approval from the Cape Breton University Research Ethics Board.
ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN, is pleased that this study is being undertaken, having been a vocal activist at Ontario’s Joint Provincial Nursing Committee (JPNC) about the lack of preparedness of our newly graduated RNs to work on the front lines.
Too often, new RN graduates are moving away from bedside nursing in hospitals and long-term care and choosing to go into administrative and non-clinical positions. On behalf of ONA’s 14,000 nursing student affiliate-members, we need to understand why and what we need to do to encourage new RN graduates to recognize the critical role of the bedside nurse in our health care system.
Regarding their study, the research team says: “Our health care system needs RNs who have strong practice self-efficacy, who want to stay in the nursing workforce, who are resilient to the stressors associated with front-line nursing and who are confident and productive as members and leaders of interdisciplinary health care teams. Strong research evidence supports the value of self-efficacy building in general education and further investigation is warranted.”
ONA strongly supports this view and believes this vital research will help us better understand the perspective and needs of newly graduated RNs entering the workforce for the first time or who are fairly new to the system, particularly how confident they feel in their practice.
Please see the flyer for more information and encourage all your new grads to complete this survey.
As a thank-you for volunteering to complete the survey, participants will be eligible to receive a $300 gift certificate to Future Shop or Winners.
For any questions related to the research survey, please contact Evelyn Kennedy and Debbie Brennick.
A research team of Canadian nurse educators is conducting a study to find out how well prepared and confident newly registered nurses are for the realities of the workplace.
The Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale (NCSES) survey is intended for nurses within six months of registration as an RN.
Please click on the following link to take the survey:
It will take about 10 minutes to complete the survey. The survey will ask the participant to rate her or his self-efficacy (confidence) for nursing practice competency.
The survey is constructed using Opinio, a secure online survey software program. All reported data will be in aggregate form and will not include personal identifying features. This study has approval from the Cape Breton University Research Ethics Board.
ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN, is pleased that this study is being undertaken, having been a vocal activist at Ontario’s Joint Provincial Nursing Committee (JPNC) about the lack of preparedness of our newly graduated RNs to work on the front lines.
Too often, new RN graduates are moving away from bedside nursing in hospitals and long-term care and choosing to go into administrative and non-clinical positions. On behalf of ONA’s 14,000 nursing student affiliate-members, we need to understand why and what we need to do to encourage new RN graduates to recognize the critical role of the bedside nurse in our health care system.
Regarding their study, the research team says: “Our health care system needs RNs who have strong practice self-efficacy, who want to stay in the nursing workforce, who are resilient to the stressors associated with front-line nursing and who are confident and productive as members and leaders of interdisciplinary health care teams. Strong research evidence supports the value of self-efficacy building in general education and further investigation is warranted.”
ONA strongly supports this view and believes this vital research will help us better understand the perspective and needs of newly graduated RNs entering the workforce for the first time or who are fairly new to the system, particularly how confident they feel in their practice.
Please see the flyer for more information and encourage all your new grads to complete this survey.
As a thank-you for volunteering to complete the survey, participants will be eligible to receive a $300 gift certificate to Future Shop or Winners.
For any questions related to the research survey, please contact Evelyn Kennedy and Debbie Brennick.
Monday, July 14, 2014
ONA 2015/16 Provincial Elections - Regional Vice President
The call for nominations of our 2015/16 election of a Regional Vice-President has gone out!
If you are interested in allowing your name to stand, you
must complete the nomination form and return it by 4:00pm, on Tuesday,
September 2, 2014. Failure to do so will
render your nomination null and void.
Copies of the ONA’s Constitution,
Statement of Beliefs, Election Guidelines and ONA’s Vision Statement as well as all election related material and information can be accessed through this link: ONA Elections Materials
You can commence your election campaign on or after September 4th, 2014. Please read this material carefully prior to beginning your election campaign.
You can commence your election campaign on or after September 4th, 2014. Please read this material carefully prior to beginning your election campaign.
It is expected that each candidate will conduct
herself/himself in a manner that demonstrates dignity and respect for one
another. Election materials must not be in violation of the Human Rights Code
and must be truthful, fair and in good taste.
Any alleged breach of the election guidelines will be dealt
with pursuant to Article 9 of the ONA Constitution.
Your résumé and photograph will be included in the Ticket of Nominations, which will
be forwarded to all members with entitlements. Please note the length
restriction found in #16 of the Provincial Election Guidelines (see link). In addition, to have your article and photograph appear in a
pre-election ONA publication and on the ONA website, you must provide the
article no later than 4:00 pm on Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Requirements for
this publication are also found in #16 of the Provincial Election Guidelines. Please refer to the ONA Provincial Election
Guidelines for details on all campaign communication opportunities.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Vote in your Provincial Elections - 60,000 ONA members have a mighty voice!
Provincial Elections are June 12. This is an extremely important election – your job may depend on who you vote for. ONA is asking all members to be aware of the party’s platforms and vote accordingly. Check ONA's webpage: www.morenurses.ca for information on the candidates and their plans for health care and
your jobs. 60,000 nurses can make a difference if we all vote!
Advance polls are open. To find out the times and locations of advance polls in your ridings, go to http://www.wemakevotingeasy.ca/en/advance-poll-locations.aspx.
No more than ever, you need to use your voice to tell the government ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We need registered nurses at the bedsides.Let's make sure they are there for all of us when we need them.
Advance polls are open. To find out the times and locations of advance polls in your ridings, go to http://www.wemakevotingeasy.ca/en/advance-poll-locations.aspx.
No more than ever, you need to use your voice to tell the government ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We need registered nurses at the bedsides.Let's make sure they are there for all of us when we need them.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Ontario Registered Nurses Receive Hospital-Sector Arbitration Award
ONA Press Release - May 2, 2014
TORONTO – Approximately 58,000
registered nurses working in Ontario hospitals – members of the Ontario Nurses’
Association (ONA), have received an arbitration decision, resolving a dispute
with Ontario hospitals over the nurses’ collective agreement.
The two-year award provides a
1.4-per-cent wage increase in each year – barely, if at all – keeping up with
the rate of inflation.
“Our registered nurses have already
sacrificed wages with a two-year wage freeze in the last contract,” said ONA
President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN. “Registered nurses had every expectation of
moving back to more appropriate compensation that reflects the value of RNs to
health care and would have been more in line with increases given to other
professional essential service workers and our Canadian nursing
Haslam-Stroud says that ONA is
extremely disappointed that the award fails to provide any benefit or premium
improvements, which have always been important feature of any round of
negotiations. She notes that this contract is balancing the provincial budget on
the backs of registered nurses.
The arbitration decision did hold one
piece of good news for newly graduated registered nurses. “We are pleased to see that the arbitrator
rejected all of the Ontario Hospital Association’s proposals, including a
three-per-cent cut to the start rate for new RN graduates,” she said. “This
would have resulted in our new RNs considering their options to practice in
other jurisdictions, rather than be the lowest-paid RNs in all of
English-speaking Canada.”
Haslam-Stroud notes the growing body
of research proving the value that RN care brings and says that, “clearly, we
have yet to reach the point of reflecting the value of RN care, both in cost
savings and the decrease in patient death rates, in Ontario’s nurses’
contracts,” she said. “Our patients understand the value of our nurses; their
employer does not.”
ONA is the union representing
60,000 registered nurses and allied health professionals, as well as more than
14,000 nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long-term care
facilities, public health, the community, clinics and industry.
Click the link to access the award summary and other documents:
Hospital ONA Members: Meetings while be held with your Bargaining Unit Presidents to answer any questions - please watch for notices at your facilities.
Monday, April 21, 2014
International Workers’ Day - May 1
Come join the local labour unions as we as
recognize the sacrifices made in Windsor that won us the labour rights
we have today!
Organizers are planning a Labour Village and parage to celebrate this year’s May 1st. The march starts outside the Art Gallery of Windsor at 4:30pm and will conclude at the Labour Village built at 547 Victoria Ave., which will be open from 6-8pm. Join your colleagues from Local 8 for the parade.
Local 8 will be manning a table and promoting the morenurses.ca campaign. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this event. Please contact Jo-Dee Brown through the Local 8 website (local8.ona.org) to volunteer or to find out more information!
Organizers are planning a Labour Village and parage to celebrate this year’s May 1st. The march starts outside the Art Gallery of Windsor at 4:30pm and will conclude at the Labour Village built at 547 Victoria Ave., which will be open from 6-8pm. Join your colleagues from Local 8 for the parade.
Local 8 will be manning a table and promoting the morenurses.ca campaign. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this event. Please contact Jo-Dee Brown through the Local 8 website (local8.ona.org) to volunteer or to find out more information!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Local 8 Nurses Week Awards
Local 8 is now accepting nominations for Local 8 Nurse of the Year 2014 and applications for the Lori Dupont Education Bursary. These forms may be found on our website: Local8.ona.org under the Nurses Week Awards calendar event. The deadline to submit these forms are May 1, 2014 so don't delay.
Winners will be announced at the Local 8 Nurses Week Dinner May 12th. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased from your Bargaining Unit Presidents for only $10.00.
Winners will be announced at the Local 8 Nurses Week Dinner May 12th. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased from your Bargaining Unit Presidents for only $10.00.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
ONA President's Message "I Will Never Give Up - But I Need Your Help!"
As your elected President, there is nothing I would have liked more
than to be able to announce details of a negotiated hospital-sector
agreement this month. Unfortunately, the Ontario Hospital Association
(OHA) had other ideas.
Despite the arduous efforts of our Hospital Central Negotiating Team on behalf of our 58,000-plus members, the OHA was unwilling to negotiate an agreement that reflected our value to the health-care system.
As I'm sure you have heard, the Ontario Hospital Association tabled outrageous and regressive concession proposals, including a three-per-cent wage cut. The effects of these rollbacks would include more than a $26,000 reduction in wages over eight years for a new nursing graduate, and a rollback in wages from three to seven per cent for any experienced nurse who changes employers.
Unfortunately, our patients would bear the brunt of this: fewer nurses working in Ontario will deplete the high-quality care our patients deserve.
Let me be clear about one thing: ONA will never, never, never give up! Our strong More Nurses Campaign is resonating with the public and our supporters. Ontarians are getting the message: Ontario needs more registered nurses - not cuts.
On March 19, hundreds of members, ONA staff and supporters attended a rally at Queen's Park to spotlight the impact of registered nursing cuts on patient care. Many media outlets -- including television, radio and print as well as online through social media -- captured our strong, clear message: Ontario needs more nurses.
Here's how you can help: As patient advocates, we must all speak out about these cuts to our family, friends, neighbours and to our elected representatives. The more conversations we have about this issue, the more aware Ontarians will be about the devastating impact nursing cuts have in health care.
Please visit either www.morenurses.ca or www.ona.org/morenurses to find resources, information and tools to help you have these conversations.
Can I count on you?
In Solidarity,
Despite the arduous efforts of our Hospital Central Negotiating Team on behalf of our 58,000-plus members, the OHA was unwilling to negotiate an agreement that reflected our value to the health-care system.
As I'm sure you have heard, the Ontario Hospital Association tabled outrageous and regressive concession proposals, including a three-per-cent wage cut. The effects of these rollbacks would include more than a $26,000 reduction in wages over eight years for a new nursing graduate, and a rollback in wages from three to seven per cent for any experienced nurse who changes employers.
Unfortunately, our patients would bear the brunt of this: fewer nurses working in Ontario will deplete the high-quality care our patients deserve.
Let me be clear about one thing: ONA will never, never, never give up! Our strong More Nurses Campaign is resonating with the public and our supporters. Ontarians are getting the message: Ontario needs more registered nurses - not cuts.
On March 19, hundreds of members, ONA staff and supporters attended a rally at Queen's Park to spotlight the impact of registered nursing cuts on patient care. Many media outlets -- including television, radio and print as well as online through social media -- captured our strong, clear message: Ontario needs more nurses.
Here's how you can help: As patient advocates, we must all speak out about these cuts to our family, friends, neighbours and to our elected representatives. The more conversations we have about this issue, the more aware Ontarians will be about the devastating impact nursing cuts have in health care.
Please visit either www.morenurses.ca or www.ona.org/morenurses to find resources, information and tools to help you have these conversations.
Can I count on you?
In Solidarity,
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Local 8 Celebrates Nurses Week
May 12 - 18 is Nurses Week!
Nurses Week is a time to recognize the year-round dedication and achievements of Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs), and to increase awareness of their contributions to the well-being of Canadians.
Local 8 kicks of this week long celebration with a dinner for current members, retired members and future members (nursing students). Our special guest is Linda Haslam-Stroud, Provincial President.
Tickets can be purchased from Local 8 Bargaining Unit Presidents until May 6th.
For more details regarding this event - please see our website: http://local8.ona.org
Nurses Week is a time to recognize the year-round dedication and achievements of Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs), and to increase awareness of their contributions to the well-being of Canadians.
Local 8 kicks of this week long celebration with a dinner for current members, retired members and future members (nursing students). Our special guest is Linda Haslam-Stroud, Provincial President.
Tickets can be purchased from Local 8 Bargaining Unit Presidents until May 6th.
For more details regarding this event - please see our website: http://local8.ona.org
Friday, March 14, 2014
Ontario Nurses' Association says no to concessions that would harm patients
March 14, 2014
The Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) is warning that contract demands tabled by the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) would lead to a nursing crisis reminiscent of the Harris government years. Contract talks broke down when the OHA team walked away from the table, forcing arbitration this weekend. The OHA is proposing unprecedented rollbacks for RNs. The current collective agreement between ONA's 58,000-plus hospital-sector registered nurses (RNs) and their employers expires on March 31.
"The OHA's proposals of cuts to wages and benefits will have a profound effect on the supply of nurses in Ontario that directly impacts the quality of care that Ontarians can expect to receive," said ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN. "The proposed new system of RN wage cuts would send a strong message that registered nurses are not valued and prompt new RN graduates to look south of the border or to other provinces to practice."
Haslam-Stroud is appalled at what has been tabled at arbitration by the employer. She says that, "We will not bargain away our future or our ability to provide quality patient care." ONA is committed to negotiating an agreement that reflects the value RNs provide to the patients of Ontario, and that does not include cutbacks.
"This province, which has the second-worst RN-to-population ratio in the country, needs to attract new nurses and keep the experienced RNs we have now on the job as long as possible. Yet the OHA's arbitration proposals will do exactly the reverse," said Haslam-Stroud. "We know that there is a tsunami of experienced RNs poised to retire, and we can't replace them fast enough. Why - when we desperately need new graduates coming into the system and our Northern and rural communities are begging for more RNs - would we make the profession less attractive and disrespect the years of education and training our members have?"
She also notes that "research - including a very recent study published in The Lancet -- has found that cutting RN care increases the rate of complications and death suffered by patients. Alternatively, increasing RN staffing improves patient health outcomes and prevents unnecessary hospital readmissions."
Unsafe RN staffing levels have become more common as hospitals have cut RN positions to balance budgets; increasingly, RNs are finding they are unable to provide care consistent with the standards set by their regulator. Ontario has cut more than 1,000 RN positions in the past two years.
A long list of nursing expert panel investigations into RN staffing levels - at Rouge Valley Health System, Kingston General Hospital, Sault Area Hospital, Humber River Regional Hospital, Peterborough Regional Hospital and Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital - have found that RNs are unable to provide proper patient care under current conditions and that the hospital work environments do not support quality nursing practice.
"I'm dumbfounded that at a time when experts are using phrases such as 'significant suffering' to describe the quality and safety of patient care that is occurring because of RN understaffing, the OHA want to worsen it," said Haslam-Stroud. "The Ontario government and the OHA are telling RNs that they are worth less than they were a year ago. They should instead focus on ensuring that our patients get the safe, quality care they deserve, not on gutting RN contracts."
Ontario RNs have been falling further behind in remuneration compared to the rest of Canada. ONA members' wages were frozen for two years in their last contract and now a three per-cent rollback of wages has now been proposed. The lack of a competitive wage would also likely drive experienced RNs to retire, compounding the nursing shortage. "Asking nurses to be paid less than ever is a slap in the face to the entire profession and to Ontarians," she says.
ONA is the union representing registered nurses, nurse practitioners, registered practical nurses and allied health professionals, as well as nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long-term care facilities, public health, the community, clinics and industry.http://www.ona.org/news_details/ONA_no_concessions_20140314.html
The Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) is warning that contract demands tabled by the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) would lead to a nursing crisis reminiscent of the Harris government years. Contract talks broke down when the OHA team walked away from the table, forcing arbitration this weekend. The OHA is proposing unprecedented rollbacks for RNs. The current collective agreement between ONA's 58,000-plus hospital-sector registered nurses (RNs) and their employers expires on March 31.
"The OHA's proposals of cuts to wages and benefits will have a profound effect on the supply of nurses in Ontario that directly impacts the quality of care that Ontarians can expect to receive," said ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN. "The proposed new system of RN wage cuts would send a strong message that registered nurses are not valued and prompt new RN graduates to look south of the border or to other provinces to practice."
Haslam-Stroud is appalled at what has been tabled at arbitration by the employer. She says that, "We will not bargain away our future or our ability to provide quality patient care." ONA is committed to negotiating an agreement that reflects the value RNs provide to the patients of Ontario, and that does not include cutbacks.
"This province, which has the second-worst RN-to-population ratio in the country, needs to attract new nurses and keep the experienced RNs we have now on the job as long as possible. Yet the OHA's arbitration proposals will do exactly the reverse," said Haslam-Stroud. "We know that there is a tsunami of experienced RNs poised to retire, and we can't replace them fast enough. Why - when we desperately need new graduates coming into the system and our Northern and rural communities are begging for more RNs - would we make the profession less attractive and disrespect the years of education and training our members have?"
She also notes that "research - including a very recent study published in The Lancet -- has found that cutting RN care increases the rate of complications and death suffered by patients. Alternatively, increasing RN staffing improves patient health outcomes and prevents unnecessary hospital readmissions."
Unsafe RN staffing levels have become more common as hospitals have cut RN positions to balance budgets; increasingly, RNs are finding they are unable to provide care consistent with the standards set by their regulator. Ontario has cut more than 1,000 RN positions in the past two years.
A long list of nursing expert panel investigations into RN staffing levels - at Rouge Valley Health System, Kingston General Hospital, Sault Area Hospital, Humber River Regional Hospital, Peterborough Regional Hospital and Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital - have found that RNs are unable to provide proper patient care under current conditions and that the hospital work environments do not support quality nursing practice.
"I'm dumbfounded that at a time when experts are using phrases such as 'significant suffering' to describe the quality and safety of patient care that is occurring because of RN understaffing, the OHA want to worsen it," said Haslam-Stroud. "The Ontario government and the OHA are telling RNs that they are worth less than they were a year ago. They should instead focus on ensuring that our patients get the safe, quality care they deserve, not on gutting RN contracts."
Ontario RNs have been falling further behind in remuneration compared to the rest of Canada. ONA members' wages were frozen for two years in their last contract and now a three per-cent rollback of wages has now been proposed. The lack of a competitive wage would also likely drive experienced RNs to retire, compounding the nursing shortage. "Asking nurses to be paid less than ever is a slap in the face to the entire profession and to Ontarians," she says.
ONA is the union representing registered nurses, nurse practitioners, registered practical nurses and allied health professionals, as well as nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long-term care facilities, public health, the community, clinics and industry.http://www.ona.org/news_details/ONA_no_concessions_20140314.html
Monday, March 10, 2014
ONA unveils subway ads in Queen's Park Station in support of our More Nurses Campaign
Check out the latest ad campaign from ONA.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Fewer nurses means more hospital deaths, study finds
Wednesday, February 26, 2014As published in TheSpec.com:
A major new study showing that surgical patients face a higher risk of death when nursing workloads increase should serve as a warning to cash-strapped Ontario hospitals that continue to cut RN positions, warn leaders in the profession.
"The hospitals and the government need to take notice of the health outcomes that are being detrimentally affected by staff," said Linda Haslam-Stroud, president of the Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA), the nurses' union.
See the full article here.
A major new study showing that surgical patients face a higher risk of death when nursing workloads increase should serve as a warning to cash-strapped Ontario hospitals that continue to cut RN positions, warn leaders in the profession.
"The hospitals and the government need to take notice of the health outcomes that are being detrimentally affected by staff," said Linda Haslam-Stroud, president of the Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA), the nurses' union.
See the full article here.
Ontario Needs More Nurses!
Join the fight for more Nurses for Ontario
We all know that more registered nurses means better, safer patient care – more time with each patient, shorter waits, fewer complications and lower death rates for patients.So why is Ontario cutting registered nurses and putting patient care at risk?
- Our province has the second-lowest registered nurse to person ratio in Canada with just seven RNs per 1,000 Ontarians;
- In order to catch up to other provinces, we need to hire 17,500 more RNs;
- The government has cut more than 1,000 registered nursing jobs since 2012; and
- Research shows a direct link between the number of registered nurses and the quality of patient care; for every extra patient added to the average workload of a registered nurse, patient complications and patient death increase by 7%.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Annual Local 8 General Membership Meeting
All members of Local 8 are invited to attend the annual meeting.
Location: Caboto Club (Windsor Room)
Date: March 25, 2014
Start Time: 1930 hrs
ONA Card Must Be Presented To Attend - those without ONA cards will be required to sign up with ONA at the meeting.
Please go to Local 8 website to view the agenda. (http://local11.ona.org)
Location: Caboto Club (Windsor Room)
Date: March 25, 2014
Start Time: 1930 hrs
ONA Card Must Be Presented To Attend - those without ONA cards will be required to sign up with ONA at the meeting.
Please go to Local 8 website to view the agenda. (http://local11.ona.org)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Windsor-Essex Health Coalition - Campaign Meeting
Windsor-Essex Health Coalition
Campaign Meeting
Saturday February 22, 11:00 a.m.
Unifor local 2458 Hall, 3400 Somme Ave
Brunch will be provided!
The Ontario government is moving forward with a plan to dismantle our community hospitals. Services are being centralized out of town into fewer regional centres, forcing patients to travel greater distances for care. Services are also being moved to private clinics. At risk is the future stability of our public community hospitals and our access to their services. Join the local campaign to save our services.
We will be dividing into groups to make some key plans for the campaign.
These groups include:
Logistics discuss lawn signs, campaign office and tracking progress on the door-to-door campaign.
Outreach training and going out to speak to as many community organization as possible.
Publicity organize media conference, the campaign launch and media events during the campaign.
All are welcome and encouraged to get involved.
For more information please contact: Richard Laverty 226-347-2605
Ontario Health Coalition
15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305
Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8
Campaign Meeting
Saturday February 22, 11:00 a.m.
Unifor local 2458 Hall, 3400 Somme Ave
Brunch will be provided!
The Ontario government is moving forward with a plan to dismantle our community hospitals. Services are being centralized out of town into fewer regional centres, forcing patients to travel greater distances for care. Services are also being moved to private clinics. At risk is the future stability of our public community hospitals and our access to their services. Join the local campaign to save our services.
We will be dividing into groups to make some key plans for the campaign.
These groups include:
Logistics discuss lawn signs, campaign office and tracking progress on the door-to-door campaign.
Outreach training and going out to speak to as many community organization as possible.
Publicity organize media conference, the campaign launch and media events during the campaign.
All are welcome and encouraged to get involved.
For more information please contact: Richard Laverty 226-347-2605
Ontario Health Coalition
15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305
Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Local 8 Welcomes New Leaders
Elections were held on January 15th and new leaders were elected. The Local saw record numbers of members turning out to vote! Thank you to all the members who put their names forward and congratulations to our new leaders. A special thank you to all the members who assisted with the election.
Welcome to ONA Local 8 Blog
Welcome to ONA Local 8.
This site allows the Local 8 to share news and information.
Our website is currently under construction but you can check out the former
Local 11 website for information on contacting your executive. We will publish our new web address as soon as it is up and running.
This site allows the Local 8 to share news and information.
Our website is currently under construction but you can check out the former
Local 11 website for information on contacting your executive. We will publish our new web address as soon as it is up and running.
Union leaders to tackle income inequality at town hall meeting
Windsor Star Article - Union leaders to tackle income inequality at town hall meeting
Leaders from several major unions will be in Windsor Monday to host a town hall on income inequality in Ontario.
The public forum, called The Rich and the Rest of Us, will run from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Caboto Club. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper at 6 p.m.
The conversation will focus on finding fair solutions to the “growing income gap” and engaging people to make income inequality a political issue.
“The growing gap between high-income earners and everyone else is the number one economic story of our time,” said Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). “Yet with few exceptions our politicians and business leaders are either making it worse or ignoring it altogether.”
Participating unions include CWA Canada, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), Ontario Professional Fire Fighter’s Association (OPFFA), Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE) and the Society of Energy Professionals (SEP).
Broadcaster Asha Tomlinson will moderate the forum. Brown and Marion Overholt, executive director at Legal Assistance of Windsor, will be the featured panelists.
Leaders from several major unions will be in Windsor Monday to host a town hall on income inequality in Ontario.
The public forum, called The Rich and the Rest of Us, will run from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Caboto Club. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper at 6 p.m.
The conversation will focus on finding fair solutions to the “growing income gap” and engaging people to make income inequality a political issue.
“The growing gap between high-income earners and everyone else is the number one economic story of our time,” said Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). “Yet with few exceptions our politicians and business leaders are either making it worse or ignoring it altogether.”
Participating unions include CWA Canada, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), Ontario Professional Fire Fighter’s Association (OPFFA), Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE) and the Society of Energy Professionals (SEP).
Broadcaster Asha Tomlinson will moderate the forum. Brown and Marion Overholt, executive director at Legal Assistance of Windsor, will be the featured panelists.
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