Local 8 is having elections again.
Nominations are being accepted for ALL BARGAINING UNIT AND LOCAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE positions.
For more information, please speak to your bargaining unit president or visit our website: http://local8.ona.org
Important Dates:
Call for nominations September 1 - September 25
Ticket of Nominees: posted October 5
Election day: October 15
Location and times of voting stations to be announced October 5
Remember, you will need a union card to vote so please see your bargaining unit president of you do not have a hard plastic card that looks like this, chances are your are not signed up with ONA and cannot vote. Signing up is easy - contact your president to find out how!
Important study being undertaken to gauge preparedness, confidence
levels of newly registered RNs
A research team of Canadian
nurse educators is conducting a study to find out how well prepared and
confident newly registered nurses are for the realities of the workplace.
The Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale (NCSES) survey is intended for
nurses within six months of registration as an RN.
Please click on the following link to take the survey:
It will take
about 10 minutes to complete the survey. The survey will ask the participant to
rate her or his self-efficacy (confidence) for nursing practice competency.
The survey is constructed using Opinio, a secure online survey software
program. All reported data will be in aggregate form and will not include
personal identifying features. This study has approval from the Cape Breton
University Research Ethics Board.
ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN, is pleased that this study is being
undertaken, having been a vocal activist at Ontario’s Joint Provincial Nursing
Committee (JPNC) about the lack of preparedness of our newly graduated RNs to
work on the front lines.
Too often, new RN graduates are moving away from bedside nursing in hospitals
and long-term care and choosing to go into administrative and non-clinical
positions. On behalf of ONA’s 14,000 nursing student affiliate-members, we need
to understand why and what we need to do to encourage new RN graduates to
recognize the critical role of the bedside nurse in our health care system.
Regarding their study, the research team says: “Our health care system needs
RNs who have strong practice self-efficacy, who want to stay in the nursing
workforce, who are resilient to the stressors associated with front-line nursing
and who are confident and productive as members and leaders of interdisciplinary
health care teams. Strong research evidence supports the value of self-efficacy
building in general education and further investigation is
ONA strongly supports this view and believes this vital
research will help us better understand the perspective and needs of newly
graduated RNs entering the workforce for the first time or who are fairly new to
the system, particularly how confident they feel in their practice.
Please see the flyer for more information and encourage all your new grads to complete this survey.
As a thank-you for volunteering to complete the survey, participants will be
eligible to receive a $300 gift certificate to Future Shop or Winners.
For any questions related to the research survey, please contact Evelyn Kennedy and Debbie Brennick.