Health Minister says RN layoff not his fault
February 24, 2016 03:13
from Peter Langille

Ontario's Health Minister is pointing the finger at management at Windsor Regional Hospital for the layoff of 169 Registered Nurses.
Ontario's Health Minister is pointing the finger at management at Windsor Regional Hospital for the layoff of 169 Registered Nurses.
Under questioning at Queen's Park from Windsor West MPP Lisa Gretzky,
who is the NDP Health Critic, Eric Hoskins says Windsor Regional is one
of only a few hospitals in the province who have not used RPNs more.
Gretzky asked the minister if he knew how many Ontario nurses have had
to take jobs in the US: "American hospitals like Beaumont Health Systems
in Michigan have come to Windsor to hire nurses who have been cut from
our hospitals. RNs are being interviewed one day and are being hired
the very next. These nurses should be working in Ontario's hospitals,
not being forced by this government's cuts to leave this country just to
find work)
Hoskins says the Windsor Regional layoffs are the result of decisions
made by management at the hospital: "Windsor Regional is one of only a
handful, only a few hospitals around the province that never made a
transition to look at its nursing services from a holistic,
comprehensive perspective, to understand there is a role for RPNs -
Registered Practical Nurses - in our hospitals for example"
Hoskins says the decisions about staffing need to be made a the local level through the LHINS and hospital management.
He says Windsor Regional is one of just a few hospitals around the province that hasn't yet made that transition, recognizing and "quite frankly respecting" the role of Registered Practical Nurses.
He says Windsor Regional is one of just a few hospitals around the province that hasn't yet made that transition, recognizing and "quite frankly respecting" the role of Registered Practical Nurses.
Hoskins points out the province provided $7-million in additional funding to help the hospital transition through the change.